Your business needs unique processes

See how easy it is to create a new workflow from scratch.

We also expose Glide's pre-built workflows, so you can make tweaks to suit how you work.

Easy drag and drop user interface

Easy, drag & drop interface

Working with logic can get complicated.

Not with Glide. We've built a simple, drag & drop screen to make editing & building easy.

auto reminders
Build workflows in minutes
multi language
Automations remove work
reduce support emails
Edit existing workflows
mobile friendly
Workflows remove human error

Little workflow details

Here are some smaller features of workflows.

Endless choice of triggers

A trigger is an event that starts a workflow. For example, when a customer approves a proof, you can automate sending an order to manufacturing.

Make anything happen

A long list of actions means you can get anything to happen. For example, you could message a colleague when a certain SKU is ordered. Great if that person looks after those products.

Edit any existing process or workflow

Edit any process

Nearly all the logic in Glide is editable.

This flexibility is Glide's secret sauce, making it genuinely useful for your business.

You can make tiny adjustments to suit how you work. No more adjusting your work to suit limitations of bad tools.

A lady looking at a laptop

Helping you to fulfil orders for custom products better than ever

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